Solutions to Your Hair Loss Issues

A man touching his balding head

Hair loss is a more common issue than you may think. Nearly 20% of Americans are dealing with some form of hair loss at any given time. Over the course of their lives, more than 80% of men and 50% of women will deal with some level of hair loss.

When the hair loss occurs and the severity of it depend on several factors, including among other factors how well the hair is taken care of and genetics. Regardless of the reason for the issue, there are several medical treatments that can help solve it. Here are just a few of them:


If you’re in the early stages of hair loss, certain medications can be used to either boost circulation or to block hormones that are linked to hair loss. This can be incredibly effective, especially if it’s used alongside other hair loss treatments. One such medicine is minoxidil, which is more commonly known as Rogaine. It’s applied directly to the scalp to help open the blood vessels, helping to slow, stop, or even reverse hair loss. The other most common medication is finasteride, which is also known as Propecia. This is an oral medication that blocks the production of dihydrotesterone, a hormone that causes hair loss.

Low Level Laser Therapy

Another non-surgical, FDA-approved hair restoration option is low level laser therapy. This treatment uses low level lasers to penetrate the scalp and stimulate circulation of hair follicles. Essentially, the patient will use a laser headband, comb, or small helmet every other day for 30 minutes. After a range of about 6 to 9 months, the patient should start to see more hair growth.

PRP Restoration

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a process that uses a patient’s own blood to promote hair growth and prevent loss. Essentially, a patient’s blood is drawn and then put through a process where platelet-rich plasma is separated from platelet-poor plasma and red blood cells. The platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the scalp, which increases the blood supply in that area and increases the thickness of the hair shaft. It can also prevent hair loss before it begins, an important consideration for anyone with a family history of hair loss.

Hair loss treatments work better when they are accompanied with one another. If you’re looking to receive treatment from a hair loss specialist, Dr. Kirit Kothari offers all of the aforementioned services. Schedule a consultation today!

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