How to Treat Acne Scars

Acne is an irritating problem that can cause loss of self-esteem, embarrassment, and more. Once we get rid of our acne, we believe that we have dealt with the problem. However, many of us soon realize that we have a bigger problem on our hands—acne scarring. Acne scars can be even more embarrassing than normal acne, but thankfully, there are ways to treat it.

What causes acne scars?

Your skin has three layers—the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis. Acne is often associated with the middle layer—the dermis—as a result of clogged sebaceous glands. Our pores will then swell and breakdown. While the acne itself will heal, it can cause damage to the surrounding tissue. The result is deep scarring where acne used to preside.

What are the types of acne scars?

There are two main types of acne scarring. The first is when a loss of tissue occurs, creating an indentation in the surface of the skin. The second is a result of when your skin tries to heal and creates collagen to heal the wound. While this a normal process, your body can produce too much collagen, resulting in a raised scar.

How do you treat acne scarring?

We often think of scars as permanent, but they don’t have to be. With platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments, you can heal acne scarring and return to a life of confidence. PRP injections increases blood supply in the region, enhancing healing. This treatment is used for a variety of maladies, including stretch marks, hair loss, and, of course, acne scarring.

Dr. Kirit Kothari offers PRP therapy for acne scarring to help you look your best. Contact him today to schedule a consultation!

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